Chi healing is a method for well-trained practitioners to heal people of diseases and problems that can not be treated by modern medicine or related medical care. In other words, it is not a common method for chikung beginners to use it for its own sake or as an experience because it involves a method of manipulating chi in a safe way that requires a lot of time to learn. However, modern people regard chi healing as a convenient method that it is easy to learn. Therefore, people would like to apply some of the healing practice to help people recover from disease. The problem is that healing is not a difficult thing to do, but it requires a lot of fundamental training skills: strong exchanging power, an enormous storage capacity and a powerful chi emitting skill as well as the development of protective forces to avoid harm to the healer. You see, when they do chi healings, healers encounter different problems ranging from suddenly dropping dead to suffering from serious illnesses to accidental death or developing unknown (ideopathic) diseases. Especially when China was fanatically involved in the promotion of chikung (in the late 80's) many well-known masters died after performing a healing because their own chikung practice was not deep enough either to restore their chi quickly or to expel the negative forces they had received during the healing process. Furthermore, they didn't have strong protective forces to purify themselves. So they just used up their own energy healing people. The problem is far too few people really understand the levels and steps in chikung, and this lack of understanding will inevitably lead to the incorrect study and practice of chikung.