What are the influences of negative emotions and chaotic or erratic thinking on our body?
The human body is greatly influenced by a person's negative emotions and chaotic or erratic thoughts. These emotions and thoughts generate fire all day long within the body, so the person can't relax. When you can't relax, you can't be happy, so you feel a lot of pressure. Then you feel even unhappier.
When you don't think, then you are relaxed and happy. Otherwise, when you think, everything you encounter is a problem. When you are relaxed and happy, then you can handle things well, so they are no longer a problem for you. This means that you are happy.
Our emotions are related to our hormonal activity. When you practice chikung well, it's easier for you to balance your hormonal activity because you have a method to over come and balance them.
When your mind tells you you should be unhappy, then you WILL be unhappy. When you practice chikung well, your mind will be less powerful and less active, so it activates your hormones less.
Erratic or chaotic thoughts affect your chi, and as a result, you have a lack of gung fu.